
My Thoughts on...

I thought I would do a new series to pass the time while I think of new stuff/work on new projects to post here.  Although my opinion likely holds little weight with any of you, I figured it can't hurt to at least express my opinions.  As it turns out, a lot of people read blogs for the writers' opinions.  Who knew?

I figured I could talk about my thoughts about devices, software, and technology ecosystems from the major players I've tried so far; namely Google, Apple, and Microsoft.  When I explore a new technology I really like to immerse myself in the experience.  When I bought my first android phone, I jumped into the Google bandwagon hardcore.  When I switched to iPhone, I moved my stuff over to apple (you get the idea).

Before I really start with my initial thoughts, I thought I would explain the services I use on a day-to-day basis and quickly go over my transition of technology.  We'll start in the year 2005, since that was the year that I consider to be the year I started to make the calls about my technology. October of 2005 rolls around and our old Dell Dimension desktop died. It was your typical XP-era Dell desktop complete with a Pentium 4 processor and 15-inch flat panel monitor. My relationship with that Dell was rather emotionless: I neither liked it nor disliked it. It was there, and it was what I used. When that died my parents graciously gave me the choice of the new computer (within reason) and we settled on an iMac G5. The new G5 was just announced and debuted the notion of a built-in iSight camera and Front Row (which never really took off anyway). This iMac was a huge step for me in terms of computing. I quickly got the hang of the Mac and loved the way it worked. When Leopard came out, I upgraded right away; for me, Microsoft slowly started to fade away into the background as I grew less and less concerned with their current offerings. Shortly after 2006 began, I also bought a used PowerBook G4 online to use as my portable computer until just two years ago. I used the iMac G5 until the summer of 2010, a long time considering 2006 was the year Apple moved from PowerPC to Intel and caused PPC-based machines to lose their luster.

In 2010, I continued along the Apple path and did the only sensible thing, upgrade to another iMac of similar stature. I bought a 21.5” iMac with an i3 processor. The upgrade to that machine was just as exciting as the move from the XP-era Dell to the G5. It was loads faster and had a lot of upgraded features and design. Meanwhile, my 15” PowerBook G4 was simply not keeping up pace with the needs of student starting at a college university. It was large, slow, and the battery didn’t last more than three hours on a good day. And—after a brief and disappointing experience with an Archos 9 Windows 7 Tablet—I bought a laptop you wouldn’t have expected from someone who moved away from the PC as a platform: a Lenovo ThinkPad X220. At the time, it was a tough decision between that and the 11” MacBook Air. Both were similarly spec’d and were around the same price range.

This basically ends my technology in the past. And I’ll definitely elaborate on my experiences with each of those devices in time, but now I thought I would list the current list of devices I own and their transitions. The last device in each list is what I’m using now.

  • Desktop PC: iMac G5 >> i3 Intel iMac >> Dell Optiplex 7010
  • Laptop: PowerBook G4 >> Lenovo X220
  • Tablet: Archos 9 >> iPad 2 >> Surface RT
  • Phone: HTC G1 >> iPhone (Original) >> LG G2x >> Nokia Lumia 710 >> Galaxy Nexus

My next piece will be my thoughts on the beginnings of Android and my decision to have faith in the first Android phone!


Article by: 1/29/2013 8:54:00AM

Published: Noah Wood